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I Dream of a Ferrari (DONATED)

I Dream of a Ferrari (DONATED)

Regular price $8,910.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8,910.00 AUD
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DONATED TO CATA.ORG.AU a wonderful charity that uses art to transmute trauma and pain into better things.

Original by Keny Lee

Dreams are the blueprints of reality; what the mind imagines in slumber, the heart strives to construct in wakefulness.

Dreams are the silent architects of our future, shaping the intangible into the tangible through the steadfast will of belief, we mold the abstract, wielding visualization like an artist with a palette of emotions, senses, and vivid 1st Person experiences. Like a placebo unlocking the body’s hidden strengths with a mere whisper of healing, our aspirations harness the potent forces of the psyche, convincing us of potential where doubt once festered. This same power, like a nocebo, can also bind us in chains of fear if we nurse the seeds of negativity. We must guard our dreams as sacred emissaries of possibility, for they are the vital pulse quickening the spirit’s journey from the ephemeral to the concrete. Let us then choose to nurture the dreams that lead us toward growth and renewal with the same conviction with which we believe the sun will rise. With every dawn, may we commit to the pursuit of our highest aspirations, manifesting the destiny we have dreamt with eyes wide open.


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